Monetize Your Channel.
‍Promote Mental Health

Our goal is to help one million people overcome anxiety by 2030.

Earn $100 every time someone signs up for a session with one of our anxiety experts.

$100 Per Referral

• Every time someone signs up with your unique link you will get $100 USD.

•  Payout methods include PayPal, Venmo, and that one.

• We offer services worldwide so 100% of your audience can sign up.


• We are Inner Solutions, a team of anxiety experts who help people regain their peace.

• We are real people who have personally overcome anxiety in own lives.

• We provide virtual 60-minute private coaching sessions for people who are struggling with anxiety.


• You are a content creator.

• You want to monetize your channel and feel good doing it.

• You or someone you know has struggled with anxiety.

• Your content is uplifting and a benefit to your audience in a positive way.

We make it easy for you to earn money.

You will be free to share our services with your audience in a way that feels natural.

We provide examples of statements you can say or display in your content.

Receive $100 per referral in a straightforward and gratifying way.


Vision | Mission | Goal

Our Vision: A world where fear, anxiety and phobias do not get in the way of living your best life.

Our Mission: To provide people with real support from coaches that have conquered their own anxiety.

Our Goal: Help 1 million individuals overcome anxiety and live more joyfully by 2030.



What our clients have to say?

"To anyone looking for a review to see if this actually helps. I'm here to tell you it does. Inner Solutions has literally been a life changer for me. They really understand what you're going through because they have been right where you are.. They're so comforting to talk to and really do provide you with techniques that really work."

- Stephine Stoltz

How to promote
Inner Solutions

Here are the most effective ways to encourage people to sign up with your unique link:

Include Affiliate Links In Bio

"Soft Mentions" of Inner Solutions

Dedicated Ad Spots
of Inner Solutions


Our Latest News & Updates


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


How to craft your perfect marketing campaign.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Why An
Affiliate Program?

To Help More People.

By working with us as an affiliate, you will make money and help us keep the costs down for people who need real support.

The Affiliate Program has been specifically designed with the highest value and affordability possible for the customer.
Getting affordable help for as many sessions as it takes is the main problem in this industry.

To keep the cost down we purposefully avoided expensive ad campaigns and endless cold outreach campaigns.

What we found is that none of these marketing models are good for the customer.

It ends up incentivizing the company to create a more and more expensive and exclusive product to be profitable.

We do not believe in getting rich off the backs of people who are suffering while ignoring those who can't afford help.

Many thousands of psychiatrists, therapists and life coaches are far too expensive and usually offer a package deal of sorts that is not reasonable to most people.

We genuinely want to help people live their lives as the best versions of themselves.

We here at Inner Solutions have all recovered from our own anxiety and phobia issues.  We know what it means to need help but cannot afford it.

After simplifying our program and organizing our marketing around an affiliate model, we are able to charge new customers a flat rate of $85 per session after one free consultation session.

No $3,500 package deals.
No $225 50-Min Sessions.
No BS or gimmicks.

By working with us as an affiliate, you will make money and help us keep the costs down for people who need real support.


Services to help your
business drive success

Webflow Development

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s


Individual Calls

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s


Group Class

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s